Skin Cancer Specialist

Sonoma Skin Works
Dermatologist & Medical Spa located in Frisco, TX
Skin cancer is very common, with 1 in 5 Americans experiencing a skin cancer of some form during their lifetimes. Dr. Terrill and the team at Sonoma Skin Works in Frisco, TX, provide state of the art screening and treatment for skin cancer.
Skin Cancer Q & A
What skin cancer symptoms should I watch for?
The symptoms and signs of skin cancer vary depending on the type of skin cancer.
- Basal cell carcinomas typically appear as raised, smooth bumps on the parts of the body often exposed to the sun including the head, neck, and shoulders.
- Squamous cell carcinoma is often well defined red, scaling bumps on parts of the body commonly exposed to the sun.
- Malignant melanomas are brown or black colored lesions
- Blood vessels visible in the tumor
- A central depression with regular crusting and bleeding
- Sores that do not heal
- Changes in the size, shape, or elevation of a mole and new pain, itching or bleeding of a mole
- New moles growing in adulthood
Don’t forget the ABCDE’s of cancer identification: asymmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter, evolution.
What causes skin cancer?
Ultraviolet light exposure from sunlight or tanning beds is the most common cause of skin cancer. Skin cancer can also develop following immunosuppression or impairment, exposure to high levels of radiation, and/or contact with certain chemicals such as arsenic and hydrocarbons. People with fair skin, light hair, and blue or green eyes have a higher risk of developing skin cancer. People with genetic pigmentation disorders are also at a higher risk. Also, people who have already had skin cancer are significantly more likely to experience it again and those with a family history of skin cancer.
How is skin cancer treated?
If you and the doctor suspect skin cancer, the doctor will perform a biopsy, where a small sample of cells is removed and screened for cancerous cells. If cancer is present, the doctor will remove the cancerous growth and a small amount of the surrounding healthy tissue to ensure all of the cancerous cells are removed. If you have a skin cancer tumor removed, you should have screening appointments every six months to monitor your body for any new growths.